Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Location: CAB Food court at the UofA
Type of food: Philipino fusion

So the other month I decided to try out the chilli (5$) from Flilistix at the university. As some of you may know, Filistix is a local Edmonton creation that originally operated out of a little food truck but now has a permenant location here on campus.

Craving something warm and hearty, I decided to try out their veggitarian chilli. In my opinion....I wasn't a huge fan. While is was full of veggies, I found that it lacked any flavor. It needed a little something for a kick.

Anyways, here's what it looked like

PS. Im going to apologize right now for any and all spelling mistakes you guys find. For some reason the spell check on my blog has disapeared and I quite frankly am not the best at editing. I hope you enjoy anyways!