Saturday, April 21, 2012

Beringharjo Market (Jogyakarta, Indonesia)

Jogyakarta is the batik capital of Indonesia and there is enough of it here to probably clothe everyone in the world. Batik, for those who are unfamiliar is a traditional Indonesian textile that is made either by stamp press or hand painted with hot wax. The hot wax is used to draw a design on material then dyed, it's sort of like tye-dye.

Rows and rows of batik clothes

Traditional Indonesian kebayas. These ones a little fancier than the average however, especially the tacky green one on the right.

Hair buns, fake detachable ones that is.

Shoes galore

What market is complete without food? Here is some noodles with fried birds..yes I said bird, not chicken.

Pecel: steamed veggies with spicy peanut sauce

Kolak: a dessert made with a mix of coconut cream (top left), tapioca (bottom left), palm sugar syrup (bottom right), and candied sweet potato/pumpkin. Yummy.